Top Reasons That Demotivates An Employee

“Every accomplishment comes with a decision to try”

Can you still remember for how long your motivation and determination at work wears off since the day you have started? This article is an eye-opening for everybody, admit or not these are the top reasons why at times there are people that are demotivated at work.

We all know about the micromanagement, here’s the manager and all his plans- what’s the catch? You and your co-employees will be his hands and actions as you implement every little detail he asked you to do in a certain time to finish it. Micromanagers are easily irritated when one of the subordinates procure a task without consulting him and rather change the entire plan. Indeed micromanagement causes subordinates apathy.

Public Criticism
To reprimand an employee of his mistakes in front of other people especially to his colleagues will totally decrease his self-confidence and may lead to depressions and lose the enthusiasm to go to work on the next day.

Lack of Career Vision
What was the first thing you were asked to on your first day at work? For sure you have to read the company profile whereas it includes the mission and vision of the business. From that on, you would simply start envisioning what lies ahead of you in this company and you can start planning and creating ideas on what can you contribute. Tell you what, the more you know about the objectives of the company you are working for the more you will draw yourself closely to its aim and to the people that surrounds you. Sometimes, we keep on doubting about the company’s capability to handle people and drive them to its own plan, only to find out that we ourselves should also give extra effort and a little bit of understanding.

Under-valued or underestimated
Have you ever tried to exert effort and it seems that the managers and other co-employees do not have any time for you to compliment the works you have done? Do you feel needed and accomplished every time they gave you applause to your tasks or it’s just a matter of boosting up your ego?  Take a look on the brighter side, honestly the least you expect them to compliment you the less stress you will be having. Try to focus on your work and once the manager notice that you are working beyond their expectations and towards the company’s goal, you’ll be grateful and you will think that it is wise to stay and continue working without any doubts.

Unhealthy Working Environment
Gossip, eavesdrops, complainers that focusing on the problems itself instead of solutions, too much noise and conflict relationship with others can lessen the level of your productivity and these are the things that truly inevitable to each and every business we have in this world.

This is the last but definitely the strongest reason why a person became demotivated, usually in the first few months your initial salary would be fine to you but eventually as you stay longer, the higher will the work load would be for you. Basically, there are two scenarios that you can do; it’s either you will raise your concern to your supervisor and mention the things you have done for the good of the company, this will tackle about the reason why you really deserve a salary raise and if this technique won’t work, the only thing you can do is wait for the annual or mid-year company’s evaluation.

Next time you know someone who’s demotivated at work, be a gift and help them to be inspired once again. 

Contributed by: Judith S. Martin



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