Walter Adventure

This is just my personal blog, I just want to acknowledge how beautiful and moving the film that I watched last week. I really love movies that are simple yet the story is very inspiring and sensible. The movie that I'm talking about is " The Secret Life of Walter Mitty ". Every good movie starts with the concentration to the main protagonist, and out of it the rest follows. The reason that I liked the movie very much is because I easily become attached and relate to the main protagonist. Just like everybody else, Walter Mitty is just an ordinary citizen in New York City working in a Magazine Publishing company called "LIFE MAGAZINE" as a Negative Assets Manager, and what I like about him is that he is a "DOER". He imagines a lot of time, spacing out from time to time making him a little weird. He values his work very much, coming to a point that he needs to go to Greenland crossing the vast ocean landing to Iceland, set on a journey to fin...