Zombies You Don't Want to Exist

With all of the humors we hear about dead coming to life and epidemics of viruses plague in several countries. The idea of wide spread virus infection crosses in possible reality. Zombie movies and ideas come in different approach and stories. But are we prepared if these typical zombies evolved into something more complicated to kill?

So I tried to compile the zombies you don't want to exist in the future if such apocalypse will happen. 

Full Metallic Robot Suit Zombie

Talking about upgrades and evolution, if this kind of zombie will exist, good luck in killing it.

Jet propulsion for chasing, laser guided missiles to kill its prey and metallic teeth to eat your flesh.

The Executioner

All the way from the creators of Resident Evil Trilogy comes the Executioner, twice as large as a normal person, handling a massive and torturous axe.

 Judging from its physique built, it runs slower which you can out run it, unfortunately for the prey his Axe is longer than him that can sweep your body in half.

Your Girlfriend

What could be the worst thing to happen than this? Lucky to those who are single :)

The Nazis

I bet no one wants the resurrection the Nazis

Intelligent Zombies

Close to our capable to think and rationalized things, this could be a tough contender. No chance of hiding and setting up traps.

Skilled Ninja Zombies

If you are a fan of zombies and ninjas, I'm sure you'll not be happy if a skilled ninja zombie will be chasing you to your death.

With the agility and shadow skills trained to kill, you have slight chance of survival with this one, unless you're a skilled ninja like them.

The Leader

Zombies feed their prey by hordes or group, faced with great desperation they move individually. What if they have an alpha of the group that plans and instructs the movement of the horde. Talking about the intellect it has, measuring it's killing ability is different from the rest.

Running Zombies

A good example of this is from the movie World War Z. Humans feel exhaustion from running, zombies don't.

Sources: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140729171711/moviemorgue/images/f/f7/Running-zombies.jpg


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