Unusual Hobbies You Might Want to Try

           Wondering an unusual hobby to add spice in your life? Why not try these unsual hobbies, the last one in very interesting!

1.) Nature Mediation

Have you ever tried doing your mediation in Nature? Seriously! This is the best place to meditate, away from the crowded, noisy and busy urban cities.

2.) Landscape Replica

If you have an artistic imagination this hobby will fit for you, it takes time but it's a hobby that you will look forward to do every day.

3.) Indoor Gardening

Instead of doing your outdoor gardening, why not try it inside your house? It will take the mood of your house in the high level decreasing your stress and depression, not mentioning the fresh air that it will produce.

4.) Organizing Everything

If you love organizing everything even your neighbors stuffs this might be your unusual hobby to start.

 Not everyone likes organizing stuffs, as a matter of fact people hire to organize their stuff, it can be your additional income at the same time you're challenged and having fun.

5.) Crafting

Just like organizing it can be a profiting unusual hobby, recycling raw materials producing a new stuff. 

Crafting is a wide range of ideas that depends on the imagination of the artist. Have you crafted something before? Try it now!

6.) Selfie Documentation

Taking selfie is a very mainstream nowadays, but how about taking your selfie in to the next level? 

Instead of selfie taken photos, document your life in a series of video footages. It takes a cam corder, editing skills and creativity to produce a selfie documentation.

                                           video by: Navin Kukreja




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