Life in the Office

I just want to share my experiences during my working hours at the Office, and hopefully many of you will relate to my story. Many of us are working non-stop for a fine living and let's say "living a good life", having enough to support our daily needs, like food, shelter, clothing and sometimes to treat our self for our hardwork, but even though we work hard for it, still we are experiencing some dissatisfaction, discomfort and well...problems regarding to our job environment.

Most people working at the office encounters different kinds of stress, not working exhaustion from physical work but mental exhaustion. Imagine we are working 8 hours/day or 48hours/week enduring headaches starting from morning up to the afternoon, forgetting to drink a cup of coffee to start the day, working non-stop to meet our daily goals and deadlines. Frustrated if the job is not completed on the same day and will be thinking the pending works that needs to be done for tomorrow before going to hit the bed.

You are very lucky to have a stress-free working environment, but most office works or clerical works are rarely to have this so called "stress-free working environment". For the past months of working at the office, yes there are some dark and stressful days, but in the end of the day right after you are dismissed from your work it's like you can appreciate the little time left for your family and friends.

For the past months when I'm just starting at the office, it is very enjoyable to work because of good companions/ good office mates and also the cool atmosphere provided by the aircon in the room gives me the mood to work all day. As time goes on and on and days, months have passed putting all the hardwork, meeting the deadlines, disappointments, rant from supervisors and enduring all constructive criticism from the boss, some part of my life changes and some remains stagnant.

The positive changes that happened to me are:
  • Being wise in making simple and critical decision
  • Accepting constructive criticism and convert it to positive output
  • Professionalism 
But all of this has cons and gave me a second thought. Most of us always encounter this kind of feeling, the feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction in work. Maybe the main reason is that we always repeat our daily routine in the office from morning to afternoon, and some reason that we work so hard to be recognized but still you feel like your importance doesn't exist. It's like you have many accomplishments and passed different challenge that has been given to you yet the upper management doesn't recognize all of this. You feel like you are cheated in a way that you are giving your best shot out bounding their expectation and none of your concerns are recognized. So what are these concerns? maybe a promotion? salary increase? incentives? personal benefits? Yes it is, because you are balancing what you are doing, your performance vs. the compensation that the company or your boss is giving to you. You are doing a good job, much harder than anyone else, yet your salary is not the far from others who work not as much as you do. Sometimes, those who doesn't do much has the highest compensation, was it because of their experience? their degree? their influence or position?

I believe that a good compensation should be categorized for their performance in work, it should be equal regardless of their degree or influence to the company. It should not be political. Your boss is asking and questioning your sudden decrease of performance in work, well today my friend is the day to be brave, stand up and speak clearly and say " I'm just reflecting my performance based on my compensation and that is not politcal, it is a fact"

Written by: officeguy21
Date:  November 26, 2013


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