
Life in the Office

I just want to share my experiences during my working hours at the Office, and hopefully many of you will relate to my story. Many of us are working non-stop for a fine living and let's say "living a good life", having enough to support our daily needs, like food, shelter, clothing and sometimes to treat our self for our hardwork, but even though we work hard for it, still we are experiencing some dissatisfaction, discomfort and well...problems regarding to our job environment. Most people working at the office encounters different kinds of stress, not working exhaustion from physical work but mental exhaustion. Imagine we are working 8 hours/day or 48hours/week enduring headaches starting from morning up to the afternoon, forgetting to drink a cup of coffee to start the day, working non-stop to meet our daily goals and deadlines. Frustrated if the job is not completed on the same day and will be thinking the pending works that needs to be done for tomorrow before g...