Goodbye Naruto!

Naruto has been my all time favorite anime series, I guess I'm one of the person who is not prepared to accept that the manga chapters is over. Reading the manga or watching the animated series has been my hobby. The story gives a great influence in my life. I'm not saying that I've been a ninja my self, what I'm saying is that, what make's Naruto popular is because of it's story and moral values that touches everyone's personal insight about life, friendship, pain, giving up, standing up again, and comradery. It captures all of the emotional aspects, and it wasn't hard for Masashi Kishimoto to capture the hearts of millions of manga readers world wide. Value for Friendship Even though Naruto is just a fictional character, he emphasized how to value friendship. He acknowledge and give great importance to them even though his childhood is not that wonderful as everyone has. He didn't give up on fitting to the community, he converted ...